Elite Business Cruises are the ultimate employee benefit. We create win-win relationships for both the company and employees.
Surveys show that the workforce is becoming less invested in and caring about their employer each year. Some of the most common reasons for this are that the employees see no tangible difference between working for one firm or another, they get no benefit for performing better, and the companies do not show enough positive reasons to want to stay.
Being the same as everyone else is not a productive strategy.
The majority of firms view employee benefits as a cost of doing business. As such, the expense should be minimized as much as possible. After all, this is basic economics: pay as little as possible for the greatest return. This is completely correct when discussing purchasing identical products; you shouldn't pay more for the same thing.
However, no two employees can ever be the same, and no two people are the same. Everyone has different talents, skills, and potential. Also, everyone has different priorities for motivating themselves to reach their peak potential. When coaches yell at their players, some players step up and block harder while others mentally crumble.
Most companies have a tough time motivating their employees from a personal side. With all of the social and legal landmines, punting on employees' personal lives is in vogue. While this might reduce liabilities, it certainly distances your employees' affinity. By not caring about their personal lives, companies are not caring about their employees' identities in most situations.
Elite Business Cruises provides unrivaled solutions to all three of these common problems. By installing Elite Business Cruises as a regular employee benefit, the firm has a major differentiating point for why an employee would want to work for this firm over one with the standard list of benefits. A company with a standard list of benefits has few tools for hiring new, better employees. Commonly, the only option is to pay more in salary, which has a diminishing rate of return. Economically speaking, what is the better decision to engage in a price war to buy the best talent or to install a valued one-of-a-kind benefit that provides much more overall value?
To get employees to feel that there is a reason to become better at their profession, make the Elite Business Cruise an earned perk. Simultaneously, you will stimulate those motivated by competition, recognition, and appreciation. Most managers are not fluent in all of the possible motivation forces that drive employees, but the reward of being on an Elite Business Cruise is.
Elite Business Cruise also touch the personal side of each employee. Every Elite Business Cruise ticket includes a plus one. As a result, the person most important to the employee gets to join aboard. They experience the complete inventory of benefits and interact with the rest of the group. This fashion of professional and personal team building is one of the best tools to create genuine employee buy-in to the firm.